Monday, December 10, 2007

How to fill Pattern into your picture

Pattern is a Fill Layer group on Layer Palette can made difference to your picture. You can create a new Pattern witch yourself below.

Can I create a new Pattern.

1. Create a new document with 100*100 pixels and change Background Contents to Transparent.

New document and change background contents to Transparent

2. Click on Rectangular Marquee Tool and made selection on your document. fill color you want.

Fill Color

3. Choose menu Edit > Define Pattern for save your Pattern. Finnish! 

How to fill Pattern into my picture.

It’s easy to use your Pattern.

1. Open picture file your want.

smart guy

2. Choose Pattern Fill on Layer Palette.

Pattern Fill

On new dialog box choose your new Pattern from your cerated and adjust scale to 5%. Click on OK button.

Pattern Fill

3. On Layer Palette work on Pattern Fill layer change Opacity to 35%.

The Result

The Result.

If you have any question or doubt please let’s me know by comment this tutorial I’ll respond you quickly.

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