Sunday, July 1, 2007

Saving a Selection as a Mask

Quick masks are temporary. They disappear as soon as you deselect. However, you can save a selection as an alpha-channel mask so that your time-consuming work won't be lost, and you can reuse the selection in this work session or a later one. You can even use alpha channels in other Photoshop image files.

To avoid confusing channels and layers, think of channels as containing an image's color and selection information; think of layers as containing painting and effects.

  1. With the (Standard mode) statue selection still active in the image window, click the Save Selection As Channel button at the bottom of the Channels palette.

    Click the Save Selection As Channel button at the bottom of the Channels palette

    A new channel, Alpha 1, appears at the bottom of the Channels palette.
  2. Double-click the Alpha 1 channel, type Statue to rename it, and press Enter or Return.

    Double-click the Alpha 1 channel

    When you select the channel, Photoshop displays a black-and-white representation of the selection in the image window, and it hides all the color channels.
  3. Choose Select > Deselect to deselect the statue.
  4. Choose File > Save to save your work.

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