Once you've made a Live Paint group, each path remains fully editable. When you move or adjust a path's shape, the colors that had been previously applied don't just stay where they were, like they do in natural media paintings or image editing programs. Instead, Illustrator automatically reapplies them to the new regions that are formed by the edited paths.
To experience this feature further, create a blank new file on which you will create a simple illustration.
- Using File > New, create a new letter-sized document. Leave at the default settings, and choose OK.
- On the blank document, use the Ellipse tool to create a circle anywhere on the artboard. The size of the circle shape is not important.
- Using the Selection tool, hold down the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key to clone the circle shape, drag it so the duplicated circle is overlapping the initial circle shape.
- Choose Select > All. Choose None from Fill in the Control panel, and then choose None from Stroke color in the Control panel.
Create two overlapping circle shapes. Paint both the Fill and Stroke None.

- Select the Live Paint Bucket tool, and cross over the center overlapping area; when it becomes highlighted, click once to activate the center shape as a Live Paint group.
- Select a color from the Swatches panel and click on the center Live Paint object to color it.
- Select a color. Then using the Live Paint Bucket tool, click the left Live Paint object and click inside of it. Repeat this with a different color for the right Live Paint object.
Assign different colors to the Live Paint objects.

- Choose Select > Deselect. Choose the Direct Selection tool. Select and reposition one of the circles, keeping some of the overlap. Notice that the intersecting area is dynamic. It changes the fill based upon the relationship of the two circles.
You can use the different selection tools depending on what you want to select and affect in a Live Paint group. For instance, use the Live Paint Selection tool to apply different gradients across different faces in a Live Paint group, and use the Selection tool to apply the same gradient across the entire Live Paint group.
- Choose File > Close. Choose to not save the file.