Friday, June 29, 2007

Creating text on paths and shapes

With the Type tools in Illustrator CS3, you can type on paths and on shapes.

  1. With the Selection tool, select the wavy path crossing the silhouette artwork.
  2. With the Type tool, cross the cursor over the left side of the path to see an insertion point with an intersecting wavy path. Click when this cursor appears. The stroke attributes of the stroke change to None and a cursor appears. Don't type yet.
  3. In the Font Size text field in the Control panel, type 36 and press the Enter key.
  4. Type Don't just stand there... Note that the newly typed text follows the path.

    Type on a path.

    Type on a path
  5. With the Type tool, click and drag over the text you just entered (or click three times on the text). Click the Fill color in the Control panel to link to the Swatches panel. Then choose the White swatch.

    Now you will put text on a closed path.
  6. With the Selection tool, select the small black circle in the lower left corner of the poster.
  7. Switch to the Type tool. Holding down the Alt (Windows) or Opt (Mac OS) key, cross over the left side of the circle. The type on a path icon appears. Click, but don't type.

    Cross over the closed shape with the Type tool and the Alt/Opt key.

    Cross over the closed shape with the Type tool and the Alt-Opt key

    After clicking, the text cursor appears.

    After clicking, the text cursor appears

    The fill and stroke attributes of the circle are changed to None, and you have a cursor on the path.
  8. From the Font Size pop-up menu in the Control panel, change the text size to 24. From the Font menu choose Myriad Pro (or Myriad), and from the Font Style menu choose Bold.
  9. Click the Align Center button to the right of Paragraph in the Control panel.
  10. Type SAMMY'S SHOEWORLD in capital letters. The text flows on the circular path.
  11. To adjust the placement on the path, select the Selection tool. The type object is selected. A bracket appears at the beginning of the type, at the end of the path, and at the midpoint between the start and end brackets. These brackets look like lines.
  12. Position the cursor over the type's center bracket until a small icon appears next to the cursor, and drag the center bracket along the path. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) to prevent the type from flipping to the other side of the path. Position the text so it is centered across the top of the circle.

    Position the text so it


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